Curated Curriculum, Enriching Environments
In our classrooms, we focus on the growth of the whole child and believe they learn best by doing. Paired with our expert-curated curriculum, your child can develop both their language skills and confidence as they explore their new world.

Foster Creativity
Our classrooms are filled with a variety of engaging musical experiences to support your little ones development. Take a moment to listen (and dance) to one of our playlists.

Artistic Expression
Children engage with colors, textures, and a variety of materials each day, to creatively express themselves and the world they see!

Scientific Thinking
Our rooms are lined with shelves of toys that encourage children to investigate, discover, reason, and organize their knowledge… all while playing with friends!

Math & Logic
Each day we share how numbers are found around us. Counting up to one hundred, recognizing concepts like “more”, “less”, or “none” all build a foundation for everyday math skills.

Literacy Development
Our books are carefully selected to help build imaginations, while illustrating ideas and feelings that help them make sense of self and the world around them.