Published On: February 7, 2022

Valentine’s STEAM Activities

valentines steam1 Moment

Candy Hearts and Solubility

How long do candy hearts take to dissolve?

How this uses STEM

  • This experiment introduces a new science term: solubility! This is the ability to dissolve. In the experiment, you will find that the candy hearts are soluble in lots of different liquids- but the real question is which liquid does the candy dissolve quickest in?

Tierra Tips to Engage your Little Helper

  • Have your little one pick out the liquids for the experiment! Take a look in your fridge, or get really scientific and head to the store to pick up some really unique liquids!
  • Practice reading or letter identification by looking at the candy hearts before using them in the experiment! What do they say? 


  • Clear cups or containers
  • Different types of liquids (water, vinegar, oil, juice, milk, etc.)
  • Candy hearts
  • A way to tell time (clock, timer, stopwatch, etc.)


  1. Line up your cups or containers, and fill each one up with a different liquid.
  2. Label each cup so you know which liquid is in which container!
  3. Drop a candy heart in each cup, and start a timer once you’ve done so.
  4. Observe the candy in each liquid. Is one candy dissolving faster than the others? Write down what you see!
  5. The dissolving process can take a while- keep checking back on your candy hearts until they’ve all dissolved!

Building Candy Structures

Anyone can be an architect with this activity!

How this uses STEM

  • The E in STEM stands for engineering, and here you’re working as a little engineer! You can problem solve while you build- what kinds of structures are sturdy, which cannot stand up on their own, etc.

Tierra Tips to Engage your Little Helper

  • Challenge your little one to make different types of towers! How tall or long can a structure be?
  • Which toys around your house can fit under your candy structure? 


  • Gummy heart candy
  • Toothpicks


  1. Stick the candy on the ends of the toothpicks, and build as many structures as you want!

Valentines Day Lava Lamp

A chemical reaction you’ll love!

How this uses STEM

  • This project combines a number of liquids- some mix together, and some are un-mixable. Ask your child, why is that? 
  • The answer is that oil is more dense- meaning it’s also lighter- than water, so it floats instead of mixing!
  • The alka seltzer adds a chemical reaction to the project. Look at the ingredients of the tablet, and try to determine which are the chemicals that react!

Tierra Tips to Engage your Little Helper

  • What kinds of art reminds you of Valentine’s day? Discuss with you little one and then fill up your lava lamp with their creativity!


  • Baby Oil
  • Water
  • Red or pink paint
  • Alka Seltzer
  • Glitter and confetti
  • Clear jar or container


  1. Fill your container up with baby oil
  2. Combine the water and paint.
  3. Pour the paint mixture into the baby oil.
  4. Add the glitter and confetti and stir.
  5. Break and drop in the alka seltzer tablet.
  6. Watch your lava lamp flow!