Published On: October 11, 2024

Tierra Tips! Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

kid standing by sink washing hands

Keeping Little Ones Healthy: Tips for a Fun and Germ-Free Fall Season

As the crisp fall air sweeps in, it also brings along the dreaded cold and flu season. At Tierra Encantada, keeping our children healthy is a shared responsibility that involves parents, teachers, and your child’s entire community. Here are some of our top Tierra tips for ensuring your little ones stay healthy during this season change!

Encourage Good Hygiene Practices

Handwashing Heroes: The best defense against pesky germs is a superhero-worthy handwashing routine! Make it fun by singing their favorite song for 20 seconds while scrubbing those little hands. Teach your kids to wash their hands after using the restroom, before snack time, and after playing outside.

At Tierra Encantada, we request that parents ensure their little ones’ hands are washed when entering our classroom to help keep germs out!

Covering Coughs and Sneezes: Encourage your little ones to take care of others around them by coughing and sneezing into a tissue or their elbow. This one good habit can prevent them from spreading germs to all of their amigos!

Get Moving and Rest Up

Keeping our bodies active and well-rested is the best recipe for a robust immune system! Here are some fun ways to promote activity and rest:

Outdoor Play: Even as the weather cools, exploring outside is still a world of fun! Layer in comfy clothes, and encourage your little adventurers to keep those bodies moving! Outdoor play, whether a jump in the leaves or a race around the playground, is essential. Who says you can’t have fun in the fall?

Sleep Tight: Make sure your little ones get plenty of Z’s each night. A cozy bedtime routine filled with stories and snuggles will help them wind down. A good night’s sleep can boost your kiddo’s immune system and give their little bodies the time to fight germs.

Fuel Up with Healthy Foods

A healthy diet plays a significant role in strengthening a child’s immune system. Ensure your kids enjoy the following:

Fruits and Vegetables: Aim for a colorful plate filled with various fruits and veggies. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Hydration: Encourage your child to drink plenty of water throughout the day!

Spotting Sickness!

Keeping a close eye on your child’s health is essential!

Stay Vigilant: Look for any signs of illness, like a fever or a case of the sniffles. If your little one feels under the weather, it’s best to let them rest at home to recharge and recover without spreading germs to their amigos!

Communicate with Caregivers: Keep those lines of communication open with your child’s teachers! If your little one’s teachers spot any signs that your child might be feeling under the weather, they’ll be sure to give you a heads-up. We’re all about keeping our Tierra family happy and healthy! Your pediatrician is also a valuable resource for staying informed on your child’s health. Reach out with any questions on best practices during cold and flu season!

Health First, Always!

At Tierra Encantada, we know that keeping kids healthy is more than just good habits—it’s about partnership. From plenty of nap time to organic meals, we’re your partners in keeping your kids happy and healthy all year round! Let’s tackle the cold and flu season together!