Published On: July 31, 2023

People & Places in Our Community- Our August Curriculum Theme

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Instilling a sense of community and fostering understanding of the diverse people and places around us has always been a priority at Tierra Encantada. This month’s curriculum not only educates but also nurtures empathy and inclusivity for those around us!

Each classroom will deep dive into learning about places that they’ve been to (or heard of) in their community! Their house (casa), the grocery story, the playground and community staples like the fire station and doctor’s office will be central subjects of circle time lessons. We’ll answer key questions about each of these places- who is usually there? When do you visit that place? How can we treat that place and the people with respect?

Classrooms are also their own little communities! For infants, we’ll spend lots of time on name and face recognition, which furthers emotional and social development. Circle time for our littlest students helps cultivate belonging and security, developing the community they are growing up in.

Toddlers will explore the tools and equipment used by their favorite community helpers! Brave firefighters have their powerful hose and protective suits, while friendly mail carriers have mail trucks and bags to keep everything organized!

While looking into different groups, places and people that make up a community, Preschool will focus on the vocabulary that goes along with each one!  These lessons will include Firefighter: Bombero; Bakery: Panaderia; Grocery Store: Supermercado, and more!

Pre-K will visit these community helpers they’ve learned so much about! All Pre-K classes will take a walking field trip to their closest fire station, library or park, to get an in-person look at how daily operations run. This field trip closes out the month!

August’s curriculum theme keeps our classrooms connected to what and who is around them. Growing up in an accepting, diverse and caring community is an important part of a little one’s development, and with our daily lessons this month, we’re starting their journey!