New Year, New Adventures: 3 At-Home Activities for Preschoolers

As the calendar turns a fresh page, we welcome the New Year with excitement and a commitment to providing engaging and educational experiences in our Spanish immersion preschool and daycare centers. Here are three at-home activities for preschoolers designed to spark curiosity, creativity, and language development as we embark on a new chapter together.
3 Engaging At-Home Activities to Celebrate the New Year With Your Preschooler
1. Countdown to Noon Celebration
While the traditional midnight countdown might be past bedtime for your preschooler, we suggest bringing the joy of the New Year celebration to noon! Create a mini party atmosphere with colorful decorations, hats, and noisemakers.
Engage your children in a countdown to noon, teaching them to count backward from 10. Use this opportunity to reinforce numbers in Spanish, incorporating phrases like “Diez, nueve, ocho, siete…” The excitement of reaching “¡Feliz Año Nuevo!” at noon is sure to leave lasting memories.
2. Happy New Year Greeting Cards
Encourage your child to create a holiday card as a New Year festivity. This will allow them to explore their artistic abilities and express well-wishes to whomever they want to send their cards. You can even mail the card to the desired recipient (think grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)!
Grab a piece of paper, some coloring utensils, an envelope (and maybe a postage stamp), and you’ll be ready to start this activity with your little one.
3. Resolution Tree
Encourage your preschooler to reflect on the past year and think about positive habits or goals they’d like to set for the upcoming months. Introduce the concept of resolutions in a simple and age-appropriate manner.
Create a “Resolution Tree” using a large poster board or butcher paper as the trunk and branches. Your child can contribute by drawing or writing their resolution on a colorful leaf cutout (or just a sticky note!)
Use this activity as an opportunity to introduce relevant Spanish vocabulary. Help your child articulate their resolutions by incorporating phrases such as “Mi meta es…” (My goal is) or “Quiero aprender a…” (I want to learn to). Display the Resolution Tree prominently, serving as a visual reminder throughout the year.
Looking to the Year Ahead
As we embark on a new year of learning and discovery together, activities like these serve as a testament to our commitment to providing holistic and immersive experiences for preschoolers.
By infusing the New Year celebrations with language-rich, culturally immersive activities, we’re continuing to create environments where young minds flourish both at home and at school. Here’s to a year filled with fun, exploration, and growth! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!