How Does It Work? This Month’s Curriculum Theme

This month’s curriculum theme is centered around one of the most common refrains from our little ones- How Does It Work? Each age group, from infants to pre-k, will embark on an exciting journey of exploration and discovery. Children will design, experiment and build to see how science, technology, engineering, and art work together to create working machines and inventions! This curriculum theme encourages asking questions, which continues to foster the love for learning that we develop year-round.
Spanish words we’re focusing on this month!
- ¿Como? – How?
- Maquinas- Machines
- Rompecabezas- Puzzles
- Herramientas- Tools
- Clima- Weather
- ¡Mira lo que hice!- Look what I made!
- Construir- Build/Construction
Infants will focus on four different items/actions, one a week! The first week will focus on sticking items to other items (and the actions involved in these activities are great at developing fine motor skills). Week two is puzzle week- and other things that fit together! During week three, we’ll be exploring our classroom and center for things that open and close. Do they all operate the same way? And to close out the theme during week four, we’ll fill up, paint, color on and play with boxes! Toddlers & Preschoolers will become construction workers, meteorologists, and explorers! They’ll explore the wide world through tools, games and art! Pre-K activities will help build confidence, and we’ll hear the common refrain- “Look what I made!”. We’ll be learning about- and recreating- mazes and labyrinths, weather phenomena, robots, and more!