Published On: December 29, 2022

Four Lessons the New Year Can Teach Us

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2021 has been a whirlwind of a year, and it’s time to ring in 2022! Moving out of the old and into the new (year) can be a great time to teach your little ones some classic and evergreen life lessons! Here are four things you can help your kids learn as we head into the new year.

  1. How to embrace change!

Lots of people struggle with change— it’s hard to switch routines, to remember to write the new year on the date line, to shift from comfortable and ordinary into uncertainty. The new year can be a great opportunity to show your child that not all change is chaotic, and that if you let it, change can bring some great things. Emphasize to your little ones that change brings in new adventures, and that it can be a positive experience.

2. How to wait patiently!

Maybe your child is devastated that the holiday season is over. Maybe they love Valentine’s Day and can’t believe they have to wait another two months for it to arrive! Maybe they are sick of winter and are begging for spring. These examples are perfect opportunities to explain that great things come to those who wait. The holidays will come back around, spring will arrive— it just may take a while. In the meantime, you can wait patiently, and take a cue from the next lesson by living in the present!

3. There’s no time like the present!

That list of books you’ve been meaning to read, that class you have been wanting to take: 2022 is the year to do it all, to stop waiting. Find something fun for the whole family to do, and book it now! Make 2022 your year of living in the present, and take cues from your little one— kids are especially good at knowing what they want and doing it when they want to!

4. Enjoy the moment you are in, down to the minute!

This is something that we pride ourselves on at Tierra Encantada— making the most every moment. We’re able to do that because we have amazing teachers in our classrooms, high-quality toys and books, and locations decorated to create an environment full of joy, every minute of the day. Our goal is that at the end of each day, every kid has enjoyed learning and every teacher has loved working in their classroom.

2021 has been wonderful for us here at Tierra Encantada, and while we know it’s hard to move forward sometimes, we can’t wait to see what 2022 will bring for our community!