Published On: September 28, 2022

Celebrating How We’re All One of a Kind!

Tierra Encantada Seward Block Portrait Studios 112 scaled 1 scaled

One of our core values is that diversity makes us better, and when we say diversity, we mean it in all senses of the word! Different cultures, hobbies, hometowns- there are a lot of things that make us different from one another, and that is a good thing! Anytime is a good time to celebrate our differences and build up our self-confidence, so we’ve compiled some ways to celebrate how we are all one of a kind.

Read books with diverse characters!

The world around us is full of stories! Taking time to include books and stories from different cultures as well as inclusion of a variety of lead characters can help internalize the importance of the differences around us for all ages.

Take a day to find out what you and your little one(s) are good at! 

Try your hand at different sports, art, cooking and other creative, hands-on activities. After you’ve all experienced the fun, discuss and debrief- which activity was your favorite? Which was the hardest? Everyone’s answer will be different, which always starts great conversations!

Expand your world whenever you can!

As your little one grows up, their world can grow with them! Find and attend local festivals, take a road trip to a town you’ve never been to, try a new type of cuisine. Getting out of our “bubbles” takes a lot of bravery, but you never know what or who you’ll find! Knowing more about the big wide world helps us be more comfortable in it, and appreciate all its uniqueness!

Make connections, big and small!

Ask your little one’s teacher where they are from, invite your neighbors over for a barbeque, compliment your server while you’re out to eat- there are so many simple ways to get to know those around you. Everyone has a story to tell, and the only way to discover them all is to start the conversation!

There’s never a bad time to appreciate and celebrate our differences and unique characteristics- we do it everyday at Tierra Encantada!