Published On: September 26, 2023

Parenting Tip- Five Ways to Make Mornings Run Smoothly

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Mornings can be hectic- you are still waking up while making breakfast, you (or your child) can’t figure out what to wear, you can’t find the permission slip for your preschoolers field trip, you leave the house only to realize you’re still wearing your slippers. We understand that nobody wants mornings like those, so we’ve compiled a list of five ways to help make mornings run smoothly.

  • Set the morning to music

In the mornings, things that should take two minutes seem to take much longer. To help move things along, create a playlist of some of your kids favorite songs and line them up with your morning tasks- three songs during breakfast, one song while brushing teeth, two as you get dressed, etc.  This will help set a schedule, but without having to stress about setting a timer or just planning it out in your head. Want to practice some Spanish at home? Check out our Spotify to jazz up your mornings en Español!

  • Write down your morning to-do’s

Certain things come naturally in the morning, but others can be easily forgotten. Try making a list of everything your family needs or needs to do in the morning. Maybe you’ll use the list daily, maybe you’ll never look at it again, but either way, it’s there if you need it on those mornings you feel like you’re forgetting something.

  • Pick out your outfit- and your child’s outfit- the night before

Try picking out your outfit ahead of time. Check tomorrow’s forecast, mentally run through your day and dress accordingly. Help your child do the same and let them give their input on what they will be wearing- this is a great way to ease them into making decisions in a stress-free setting.

  • Meal prep

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You’ve probably heard this advice before, but that’s because it’s helpful! Breakfast doesn’t need to be anything elaborate- peanut butter toast, cut-up fruit and a granola bar, overnight oats- something nutritious to fuel the start of your day. If you’re taking your little one to Tierra Encantada, meal prepping for your child’s breakfast and lunch will be solved for you, so all that’s left is for you to prepare your own lunch. Doing it the night before could allow you an extra five minutes of sleep.

  • Add some breathing room in your schedule

Things happen- your coffee might spill, the car could need gas- and allotting a couple of minutes in your morning schedule for incidents like those can be a lifesaver. In the best case scenario, you won’t need the breathing room, and in the worst case scenario, it will save you from being late!

We hope that by offering breakfast and lunch at Tierra Encantada everyday, we can help your mornings go smoothly, because we understand that the beginning of the day is often the most hectic. With these tips and new ideas, hopefully you’re able to turn mornings into smooth sailing!