Published On: April 4, 2023

Things Grow and Change

dodd outside 2

How to talk about growth and change with your little ones

If you’re looking for an interactive activity to help teach your little ones about growth and change, planting a seed and watching it grow over weeks and months can be a blast!

Take a trip to the zoo! Baby animals often look very different from adult animals. What happens as they grow up that changes their fur, paws and more? During a day trip to your local zoo, you can learn about growth and change that occurs in different species!

STEAM Activities for kids that teach about growth and change

Try one of these STEAM (Science, Technology. Engineering, Arts and Math) experiments to create your own changes!

Melting Hielo/Ice Experiment

This experiment shows how ice can change into water (an example of different states of matter)!

Fases de la Luna (Phases of the Moon)

The moon changes over the course of every month- and this deliciously simple activity gives a visual of the different phases.

Flores Que Cambian Colores (Color Changing Flowers)

With just water and food coloring, you have the power to brighten up white flowers!

Growth and change in our curriculum

April’s curriculum focus is a great way to ring in the Spring season. As the ground thaws and new life begins to grow, our classrooms will learn about the four seasons and the changes that come with each. We’ll also take a look at how we are growing and changing as individuals- and how exciting that can be!

Infants are always thrilled to know that they have the power to change things- whether it’s pushing a toy to make it move or putting a block through a hole, they are consistently amazed by change. Our infant rooms will use circle time to show and participate in entertaining changes! Toddlers will start to look at animal and human babies, and how to take care of them! As we gently handle dolls, we’ll learn related Spanish words. Preschoolers will reflect on when they were little- what can they do now, that they couldn’t do then? Our Pre-K rooms are focusing on life cycles of plants and butterflies. We’ll even be observing real caterpillars growing before our eyes, and set them free once they are full-fledged butterflies!